Sunday, December 19, 2010

ARC relies on the Polish tourists

Minister of health resorts and tourism of Crimea, Alexander Liev believes that the flow of tourists from Poland to the peninsula should be increased by inventing the Poles interesting tourism product.

At the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea on recreational, health resort complex and tourism A. Liev explained that one in three Poles over 40 years, said in Russian, as he taught it in school. In addition, in the Crimea are five Catholic churches. This, according to officials, would be sufficient to attract the attention of Polish tourists in Crimea. Moreover, for this population need to build a concrete proposal. "For example, 24 [December] of the Polish Christmas, we are considered low season. We must all put together and done in the form of tourism products for the Poles "- called on the minister.

Berlin has closed three of "attractive" prize

Over the past year in Berlin, was recorded 20 million tourist nights. Thus the popularity Berlin beat Rome (18.6 million overnight stays), finishing third after London and Paris among the most attractive tourist capitals of Europe, according to Welt.

"This is a huge success," - said the Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit. In order to get their first 10 million tourist nights per year, Berlin took 55 years, but the increase in this figure to 20 million comes just over a decade.

Nevertheless, the catch in the coming years, London (45 million tourist nights) and Paris (33.9 million overnight stays) Berlin is unlikely. On the figure of 30 million overnight stays German capital expects to leave no earlier than 2020.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Swiss ski resorts like the 'regular' customers

Ski resorts in Switzerland have decided to encourage the loyalty of its customers from year to year does not change the selected one direction. As a reward loyal customers may be asked anything: from a bottle of champagne and up to the jewelry with a picture of the Matterhorn (the so-called picturesque mountain in the Swiss Alps). 

As these or other resort regions of the country behave in relation to the loyal visitors? On this issue have tried to answer the study's authors, which has long held a site The results forced analysts raised his eyebrows. It turned out that the only resort that has not yet developed a clear vision of the treatment of "loyal subjects", is the famous Alpine St. Moritz. It explains the head of sports and entertainment areas of this resort Berthold Martin (Martin Berthold), they resort to the principle of "live as you want and wherever you want." True, he added, they have scheduled a series of events, including an invitation to visit patrons. They are presented with a book, champagne or a bouquet of flowers. Representatives of business community, who are constantly booking of the same hotel in St. Moritz, the resort offers a complimentary glass of wine or a glass of spirits. 

Tourists create an online rating of Great Britain

On the page of British national tourism agency VisitBritain in the social networking site Facebook has appeared online rating of the most popular attractions, created by the tourists. People who have been in involved in the ranking of locations can "register" their visit with iPhone, Blackberry and other smartphones, thereby raising the position of the object in the rankings, which are constantly updated automatically. In addition to mark the visit of tourists can also post feedback about this or other attractions. 

Get into the rating, every vista. VisitBritain experts suggest that the rating will cover more than 50,000 sites across the country. Currently leading a complex O2 Arena, in second place - malls, Selfridges, located on the third theme park Alton Towers, and the fourth and fifth places were London Eye ferris wheel and art museum Tate Modern. 

Internet in the service of tourists

Annual conference of tourism professionals PhoCusWright familiarizes participants with the latest in online travel planning. In 2010 it also introduced several new products that may be helpful to tourists. 

Gogobot - a Facebook for travelers. Here you can get or give advice on any of the attractive places in the world, to communicate with like-minded travel plans. Of course, all questions can be asked in the Facebook. However Gogobot direct all inquiries on specific channels, and assures users that they will receive advice only from people, a passion for travel. 

Site TrustYou not only collects feedback from users about hotels across the internet, but also analyzes them, and exposes important to potential guests as a kind of quality rating. Enquiries can be made not only by hotel name, but in a more free-form - for example, the cheapest hotels in New York. "