Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tourists are lured into "an abandoned city of Florence"

Tourists are lured into \ "derelict Florence \"
The idea of creating maps of abandoned buildings in Florence belongs to the Italian Giacomo Dzaganelli living in Berlin, who argues that the Germans need to learn to use the unused homes.
In Florence, as in other Italian cities, many of these places. The creator of a new project decided to take care of them and throw them in the lurch. The project is called "Map of abandoned places in Florence." It stands for all the unused space.

Says the young designer and organizer of various events Dzaganelli, living in Berlin inspired him to create this online project. The German capital is also a lot of abandoned old buildings, but many of them get new life: for example, a swimming pool has become a modern art center, a former market will soon turn into a big park in the city center. A former Nazi airport Tempelhof will be the city park area of 390 hectares.

The aim of the project - to encourage residents to think about the fate of unused buildings, perhaps, to suggest ways for their development. Dzaganelli encourages all to think whether they want mediocre new buildings instead of buildings filled with history - for example, an ancient soap factories, bomb shelters. He believes that in times of crisis and environmental problems it is worth reflecting on the reuse of existing buildings. "We have no money, but for any business ideas is more important," - says Dzaganelli.

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