Sunday, August 29, 2010

New three-star hotels may appear in Moscow

Metropolitan Government before the end of the year is planning to build eight three-star hotels for 2500 travelers, said the prefect of the Central Administrative District Alexei Alexandrov. The increase in room capacity in Moscow could contribute deficit of sleeping places and to reduce prices for a hotel room. However, market analyst’s doubt that the hotels could be ready before the end of this year.

“Today we focus on the three-star hotels, which are not enough in the center of Moscow. They affect the image of the capital, because both Russians and foreigners are staying there “- bragged Alexei Alexandrov.
Note, that the need to increase  the number of 3-stars hotels in capital is consistently on discussion by metropolitan government at least for the last 10 years. However, a significant number of new hotels in the city have not yet appeared. Moreover, a significant blow to the market suffered demolition of the “Hotel Russia”, resulting in a shortfall of hotels only worsened.

Moscow is one of the most expensive cities for tourists. For example, a British company Hogg Robinson Group has put the Russian capital in the first place by the cost of living. At the end of the first half of this year, the average annual cost of accommodation in Moscow hotels was $ 237. For comparison: in Paris the figure is $ 230, in London – $ 216, Berlin – $ 189, Prague – $ 141.

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